
our main services

Our Main Features

Industrial Building

Fire pumps approved by a certification body and are powered by an electric or diesel engine or jockey

Civil Security

Fire pumps are used to protect buildings from fires through the internal sprinkler system

Entertainment Venues

Fire pumps used in open spaces such as gardens and parks to keep those inside entertainment places safe


Fire pumps used to maintain the security of public and government facilities such as municipalities, secretariats, and industrial cities

who we are

About Fire Pupms

We are Toys Factory, one of the branches of Top Systems Trading Est. which was established in 1986 and is a pioneer in the manufacture of fire pump systems, we are proud of our history that extends for more than 35 years. Since then, we have considered ourselves a reliable and strategic partner in the field of assembling, manufacturing and supplying firefighting pumps with high efficiency and accuracy, as well as water pumps of all kinds.

We have branches and distributors throughout the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. We work hard to provide the best standards and services to our customers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and internationally.

We have developed our plans through a strong strategy to contribute to achieving the highest safety standards in the manufacture of our product. Our goal is to provide our customers with a national product of high quality, and our passion is always to provide the highest specifications. We also seek to always develop our product through… An experienced work team is always looking for the highest standard technologies and we seek to strengthen our relationship with our customers and meet their expectations at all times. Our main motto is “We make trustability.”

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tosy vision

Our Company Vision

“We want to be the most successful Factory by providing firefighting solutions and saving precious resources. We plan to grow by concentrating on improving our areas of strength which are the development of techniques in the field of firefighting and Customer Support “


Certified From



Gallery & Statistics

We want to strengthen the industry inside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and build partnerships that strengthen the fire pump industry internally and externally and maintain a high level of trade excellence.

Years Of Experience


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